Cleaning concept for pipelines
For economic and safe concrete pumping in building construction, stationary pumps (SP) and separate placing boom (SPB) are used worldwide for the realization of numerous projects. When conventional methods are used, concrete is pumped with the SP until the quantity of concrete required for the concreting section is distributed and installed with the aid of the SPB. At the end of the concreting process, the pipeline is then filled with pumped but not required concrete, which must then be disposed of. The EcoClean process from SCHWING-Stetter enables the use of all the concrete in the pipeline. This reduces material and disposal costs and increases the efficiency of the concrete installation. Without the use of the EcoClean process, 1 to 2% more fresh concrete is needed in a building construction project. All stationary concrete pumps from SCHWING are prepared ex works for the EcoClean process.